
Tessa DeMaster

Farm Babies Change Our Life - in big and small ways

Published about 2 months ago • 4 min read

Hi Reader!

How's your meal planning going now that you are experiencing new foods in your market box? [continued below + video]

Have you planned your Easter Menu yet?

We Are Open! *** Market Hours:
Saturday: 9 AM - 3:00 PM

Whole Hams and ham slices are here!

Come to ​Be Inspired by Your Farm Community

Are you excited about including the raw milk, maple syrup, apples and carrots into your kids meals?

That's a great place to start.

I bet mom and dad are enjoying the organic coffee in the mornings, just like I am.

I've been drinking the Ethiopian from Equal Exchange. How's the Peruvian?

Don't you just love the smell, knowing that small farmers are taking care of their land in these countries and getting a fair price for their work?

Eating clean food at every meal is so important for families like yours and I am so glad that Reuben and I now have the opportunity to help you do that.

I'd love to hear the details as your children try new things from your Market Box deliveries.

Can I give you even more of a head start on improving your family's health, including keeping cholesterol under control with food you can eat confidently?

That's the focus of our Wellness Workshop we are teaching with Kala Parker at the farm on March 23.

Everyone should be able to use the pro-biotic foods in their Market Box to improve their gut health.

I'd love you to have a simple way to ensure you are getting a wide variety of nutrients in your diet.

The crisp apples, sweet carrots and rich dairy you are receiving can be used by your body even more powerfully when you know just a few principals that will help your digestion and make nutrients easily available.

Discover Medicine in Your Food will give you a simple way to ensure you are getting a wide variety of nutrients in your diet. Morning Workshop (10 AM - 12 PM) CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

This talk is the key to understanding why Farmer Reuben and I are so passionate and committed to providing the organic food options that our members see in their Market Box shopping area every week.


Babies are on the Way!

Rebel, our best Jersey cow, birthed a beautiful calf this week.

A warm, sunny day with no flies to bother momma and her calf is perfect timing for a new baby - and for MORE MILK!

Cows are the one animal Farmer Reuben doesn't want to be without on a vegetable farm because they help him take care of the land and increase nutrients in every type of food we produce.

Check out the calf in this video and hear more about farm life with our cows and how you can benefit from adding raw milk to your diet.

video preview

I did say BABIES, not just baby! So...

Our chicks are coming in less than two weeks and you can help us raise them. It's quite an experience. Learn about the Foster a Chick Experience here.

Our first grand-baby is on the way too!

That's right. Flower Farmer Annika is taking a break from planting flowers because she'll have her hands full.

Farmer Reuben is still planting flowers on the farm though. So don't worry about that.

I am planning on making my special potassium broth to help her recover fast.

She's eating nutrient dense foods and I can't wait to see a chubby, healthy baby.

Raw milk is one of her favorite foods and now that we have a new calf we'll have more milk available for her and our farm members.

How to Get Grass Fed Raw Milk from Us

If this extra milk doesn't get to your refrigerator, our pigs will have to drink some of it.

You see, next week is the last Market Box delivery before Easter because we have to give ourselves some time to get some serious field work done. We resume deliveries on April 2.

During the week of March March 25 - 30, you can come to the farm to get fresh milk. Message me when you plan to come

Our Saturday Market on the Farm WILL BE OPEN on March 30th from 10 am - 1 pm.

Get milk:

  • add milk to your market box this weekend
  • come to the farm during our "off week"
  • message me when you plan to come

Reuben and the kids worked on these farm projects this week :

  • cleaning up the heated greenhouse for our growing transplants
  • removing torn plastic from our damaged field greenhouses
  • spreading manure on our hay fields with skid loader delivered this week
  • filling more growing trays with seeds and keeping the tiny plants watered
  • managing personnel conflicts with a neighbor/farmer
  • painting the plaster walls and installing electric in the farmhouse kitchen

As Always...

We support your desire to have a good, healthy way of life and food on your table that supports that goal.

We'll keep farming for you!

Reuben and Tessa DeMaster
Willow Haven Farm

P.S. Don't forget to Register for Spring Wellness Workshops. Spaces for Karla’s Two Workshops are limited, so secure your spot now to ensure you don’t miss out on this experience.

Date: March 23, 2024
Time: 10 am & 1:00 pm
Location: Willow Haven Farm, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
Price: $35/ per session for farm members. $45 for non members


Discover Medicine in Your Food is a workshop that will introduce you to healing foods you didn’t even know could improve your health. This talk is the key to understanding why Farmer Reuben and I are so passionate and committed to providing the organic food options that our members see in their Market Box shopping area every week. Morning Workshop (10 AM - 12 PM) CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Natural Beauty Care from Your Kitchen will give you the confidence to ditch your toxin laden commercial make up, lotions, creams, cleansers and toners. This afternoon workshop can be attended on it's own but will build on the food and wellness information shared in “Discover Medicine In Your Food.” Afternoon Workshop (1 PM - 3 PM) CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

Thinking of unsubscribing? CSA members need to stay connected to our emails but you can limit them to just vital information about your membership by clicking here.

Tessa DeMaster

Growing up on my family's farm in Pennsylvania, I never would have pictured the life I live at Willow Haven farm. As a kid I spent summers in our large family garden we called, “The Truck Patch”. I helped mom every summer, picking beans, weeding, and cutting fruit and vegetables for the hundreds of jars of canned and frozen produce we put up. Now I spends less time out in the field and more time in the kitchen doing the same preserving for my own farm family. Farmer Reuben values my many hours doing much of the behind the scenes marketing, writing emails to cultivate customers and capturing the farm story each week. I'm always learning along the way in my quest to improve the farm experience for each of her current and future farm members in our 500+ member, year-round customized farm box delivery program. Reading our stories will connect you with your food in a way you never experienced before. Someday soon you will want to fit local food into your life and we'll be here to help you.

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