
Tessa DeMaster

Reclaim Your Time & Eliminate Stress: Introducing the Market Box Solution

Published 27 days ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

Picture this waiting on your front porch when you get home: a sturdy farm box overflowing with goodness.

  • Tender lettuce picked by the farmer today
  • Juicy, crisp beans so good you'll want to snack on them raw
  • Green onions with leaves so long they dangle out of the box
  • Creamy raw milk, bottled this morning at the farm
  • Golden-yolked eggs collected from chickens who are happily pecking bugs and grass in the field

That’s your Market Box from Willow Haven Farm!

Knowing your food is coming from farmers you know by name will bring you peace of mind.

You will eliminate the anxiety and second-guessing of grocery runs.

When you start a Market Box subscription:

  • You will customize each box so you know exactly what fresh, in season food is coming
  • You can plan your meals based on your coming box to reduce food waste
  • You will secure highly nutritious farm food with a year round membership

Join now for nutrient dense food arriving in your kitchen as early as next week!

By not stressing or beating yourself up for feeding your family fast food and packaged food, you will reclaim hours in your week.

Guess what else?

Our farm members help each other by sharing recipes to use the fresh, seasonal ingredients.

When you see how other moms in our private chat group are using kohlrabi, buttermilk or beef bones, you'll be inspired to try new foods too.

The Market Box Subscription is the solution to your worry about shopping for nutrient dense food.

We grow organic vegetables bursting with flavor, the sweetest, creamiest milk and the most succulent pastured pork you’ve ever tasted.

We even bake our own sourdough bread, scones and cookies using farm fresh organic ingredients.

But there’s more.

We have strong relationships with other small scale, organic and grass fed farms that raise everything else: lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, local fruit. A fishing family from Bloomsburg, PA brings Alaskan salmon and seafood to us every month.

We invite you into our farm life so that you feel connected to where your food comes from and learn what to do with the new foods you’ll want to try.

You'll be confident that the food you purchase from us is clean, nutrient dense and good for your family.

Even better you’ll be motivated to go home to cook - instead of stopping to get nutrition-less fast food on the way.

But our farm members tell us one more important thing: the food tastes incredible!

Their children eat it too. Even the picky eaters.

Now that’s a win-win for you!

Join now for nutrient dense food arriving in your kitchen as early as next week!

We'll keep farming for you!

Reuben and Tessa DeMaster
Willow Haven Farm

P.S. Look for tomorrow's email. It will explain how to choose the right Market Box for your family.

Tessa DeMaster

Growing up on my family's farm in Pennsylvania, I never would have pictured the life I live at Willow Haven farm. As a kid I spent summers in our large family garden we called, “The Truck Patch”. I helped mom every summer, picking beans, weeding, and cutting fruit and vegetables for the hundreds of jars of canned and frozen produce we put up. Now I spends less time out in the field and more time in the kitchen doing the same preserving for my own farm family. Farmer Reuben values my many hours doing much of the behind the scenes marketing, writing emails to cultivate customers and capturing the farm story each week. I'm always learning along the way in my quest to improve the farm experience for each of her current and future farm members in our 500+ member, year-round customized farm box delivery program. Reading our stories will connect you with your food in a way you never experienced before. Someday soon you will want to fit local food into your life and we'll be here to help you.

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